Saturday, February 5, 2011

Post #3- How to Throw an Eco-Friendly Super Bowl Party

The Super Bowl: a time of chicken wings, strange commercials, and hours and hours of football.  The game may include a lot of trash-talking, but it doesn’t need to include a lot of trash-making.  Here are a few tips on how to throw a green Super Bowl party: 

1.   Purchase local/and or organic food to serve.  Make guacamole or salsa from organic and local vegetables.  If you’re looking to make your party completely vegetarian or vegan, check out this website which offers the “Top Ten Vegan Super Bowl Recipes”.  Give leftover food to guests or freeze it for future meals. 
2.   Buy in bulk to create less waste, and save money.
3.   Don’t use paper products that will just end up in a landfill.  Use your own dishes and silverware.  If you do buy paper products, buy biodegradable ones or dinnerware made from recycled materials.
4.   Save energy by watching the game on only one TV.
5.   Avoid buying bottled water.  Most bottled water is tap water anyways, so fill up a pitcher of ice water.  If you do buy bottled water, make sure to recycle the bottles!
6.   Decorations are unnecessary.  People will be too focused on the game to notice the décor that will end up in the trash after the game.
7.   Recycle all the leftover cans and bottles!  Make it easy for your guests by designating recycling bins so they won’t end up in the trash.
8.   If you’re in attendance at a Super Bowl party, make sure to recycle your bottles/cans and offer to take home leftovers!

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